Be it the most viewed’ Game of Thrones’ or the random ‘How to find your soulmate?’ article, all that matters at the end of the day is the ratings & revenue generated out of it.
So let’s cut to the chase!
How do you save millions for your company in the digital world using Drupal? Well, it’s with this total package of Drupal, being a one-stop shop. Let’s unfurl it.
1. Time is money! Manage your content better and save time.
Drupal is an open source CMS so with the community contributing modules, it reduces the effort in maintaining the web application itself. With a centralized content hub, your company with multiple child sites can share the same base for content development, which again saves time.
2. Ease out the process and reduce the effort
Let’s say, first thing in the morning you open your laptop and everything you need for the day is organized in your dashboard. That’s what Drupal does for easing out authoring experience with Editorial Dashboard. With the workflow tools, content tracking becomes simple. Now, you know how to convert this in the language of money.
3. Let’s talk business.
Drupal is highly flexible allowing easy placement of the revenue generating advertising spaces. Supporting your pay walls & online subscription management are just added advantages.
Credit: Pixabay
4. Save & Earn through your assets!
You are rich when your website is rich. Video, audio and files have become the assets of a website. Drupal allows video, audio & file integration into the authoring workflow saving the authors from fragmented authoring. It will not only help you save but earn as a result of the rich media on your website.
5. Monetize your search.
Everyone is busy. Understanding this, Drupal provides enhanced search functionality getting you accurate search results saving you from hitting a wall. This reduces the development duration and saves you cost.
6. Know your audience & spend wisely.
Enhance your SEO weightage and SEO tagging with Drupal’s SEO analysis. Drupal’s market analysis modules aids in knowing the trend of your target market. To favour a personal touch of contents, browsing patterns of audience is powered by Drupal. Be smart in investing in your audience and save money.
7. Allow your money to grow from all mediums extensively.
In a world of 5 year olds running their fingers over an iphone & tablet, it’s no more about just the presence. It’s about the experience. Drupal being compatible to all devices from mobile phones to PCs, gives the customized reading experience by adjusting the screen to each device.
8. Score through social media!
Drupal makes social media integration hassle free. Newsletters and subscription management are not left out either so that you don’t miss out on your audience in any way. Reach out to your audience swiftly and save yourself from burning your pockets needlessly.
Credit: Perspecsys
9. Scale up. Secure it. Finally speed it up.
Scalability is the biggest USP of Drupal saving you millions of dollars from getting stuck in the expansion phase. Spare your expense of site repair from crashing and have a good night’s sleep as Drupal offers top class security.
Rabbit or Hare? Rabbit of course! As no one wants to see that rolling ‘loading’ circle and for those expecting Usain Bolt’s performance in websites, Drupal comes in handy saving you from shedding those extra bucks into site maintenance. As for your users, well, they don’t get to see the rolling circle anymore.
10. Travel the world with less expense.
Get to include various languages for your website and save your cost as Drupal gives multi-lingual support. Let’s not ignore the audience belonging to different regions. Drupal also helps in region based customization of contents for multi site platforms.
If you want to execute this plan or if you plan on saving more then reach out to us. You can try our Drupal dev team for two weeks without any commitment or cost involved.