How Drupal makes good Business Sense


July 3, 2014

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Commercial enterprises all over the world has started recognizing that using an open source software makes good business sense both in terms of quality and revenue perspective. Open source projects had been a key element for the success of most of the well established companies like Google, Facebook and Apple.

A good CMS must allow even non-technical personnel to have full control over the website including editing and organization of the website. Drupal follows a modular, building block approach that allows for unlimited customization. Open source software, and Drupal especially, allow companies to build flexible solutions that fit their unique business needs, resulting in a tailored solution specific to the company.

What are your online Business Needs and how Drupal helps you achieve this ?

Your website must first have quality content and design. Many business owners do not have time to update their year old websites regularly which results in stagnant content that are out of date or not usable.

  • Drupal CMS makes managing websites, simple for everyone. It allows business owners to keep their content up to date and add new contents as desired. It is a good solution for all enterprises who wish to have feature rich website.

You need an open source platform for your web business.

  • Drupal is freely available to download, use, modify and remix and there is no fees for purchase, licence and maintenance of a drupal powered site. Drupal is an open source platform with more than 14,000 free modules that helps you create Forums, blogs, review sites, social networks, photo galleries and all that is required for your web business.

Does your Business require a flexible Website.

  • Drupal is flexible enough to provide firm base above which all enterprise business developers can build their solutions. It allows even a non technical person to create, edit and delete their website content, without any expert guidance. It’s flexible enough to allow you to add new features in future.

You need to share some common contents on specific or all pages on your website.

  • With Drupal it is possible to share events, news or any information within the website or any other sites within the company network. So the contents can be reused on all necessary sections or pages in the website.

For a successful online business it is important to establish connections and stay connected with your customers.

  • Drupal goes beyond your website and marks your presence on all social networking sites like twitter, facebook, linkedin and others. Thus you stay connected with your customers as well as the outside world which helps you enlarge your market reach and potential audience.

Whether you have a small website or large business enterprise, you need to have a secured one.

  • Drupal's security feature makes it different from other CMS. It is the most secure content management system which is protected from common security threats those which are defined by the Open Web Application Security Project . That is the reason why it is used by thousands of high profile websites.

Your website must represent your company Brand.

  • With Drupal it is possible to stick to particular brand guidelines. Suitable design templates can be created for your website following your brand name or choice.You can even create personalised profiles with a certain color, logo and other requirements as needed. Thus delivering engaging web experiences along with brand integrity that helps increase customer response and retention rates.

Future is Mobile. Your Website need to be Mobile ready.

  • Happily, that's becoming easier. With Drupal, the focus is centered around a “Mobile first architecture. Drupal Website can be optimised to be responsive on Smartphones and tablets with ease.

If your requirement is establishing and maintaining a heavily trafficked site.

  • Drupal powered websites drive more site traffic compared to other CMS powered website. The build-in-features of Drupal provides search engines what they actually want and generate net new leads.

  • Drupal is scalable enough to respond effectively to heavily trafficked sites. Websites built on Drupal platform has the capability to sustain light as well as heavy footfall on site. Zappos is one such site that receives billions of visitors on daily basis with average revenue of $1 billion which is built on Drupal.

Who’s using Drupal

Many local and global corporates and organisations uses drupal because of it's flexibility, extensibility and strong developer support. News publishing sites like Nowpublic and Popular Science, Educational websites like San Jose State University, Harvard and MIT has Drupal powered website.

Some corporate websites that use Drupal are Mindtree, HCL, AOL Corporate and Dahon Bicycles. There are Art, Music, Multimedia websites like MTV UK, Sony Music and Social Networking sites like DrupalSN that use Drupal. A few drupal community portal sites also uses drupal like Fast company, team Sugar and Ubuntu Brainstorm.

Your Business website must be such that it brings more and more customers, improves revenue and facilitate business growth. Drupal provides a rich digital experience both in terms of quality and revenue perspective.

If you can imagine it, Drupal can convert it into reality.

Let’s team up and unlock amazing possibilities!