Neelakanta Gouda Patil
Neelakanta Gouda Patil
Authenticated user
Neelakanta has knowledge of Web development, Python, C Programming Language seeking to leverage a proven knowledge of end-user service and troubleshooting skills. He would like to implement his innovative ideas, skills, and creativity for accomplishing the projects. Moreover, He was always eager to learn new technologies and methodologies which helps him in achieving goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. He always willing to innovate the new things which can improve the existing technology. Also, he had the ability to work as an individual as well as in a team environment.

Recent Blogs by
Neelakanta Gouda Patil

Apache Kafka: The Future of Real-Time Data Processing
Neelakanta Gouda Patil |

Apache Kafka: The Future of Real-Time Data Processing

Apache Kafka is an open-source software platform that functions as a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system allowing the exchange of data between…